Thank you, Sherry, for helping me solve the pieces to my puzzle.
First of all, I would love to thank Sherry for everything she does.
I have to say at first, I was very nervous and skeptical about doing Iboga for the first time not knowing what it was about or what would come from it but then I met Sherry and all my fears and nervousness about Iboga went away in a blink of an eye. I felt such comfort. It’s like my spirit guide knew her already and was waiting for her to arrive to show me what she is capable of. I have never felt so open and ready to receive this gift that she has introduced me to. The ceremonial journey I had was very intense and got straight to the root of my questions and problems. I can say this has helped me move forward in life. She is a blessing to all. The way she helps people is truly amazing and I would definitely attend another Iboga ceremony when I have the need for it. Thank you, Sherry, for helping me solve the pieces to my puzzle.
~ DG